True Review
So, where to begin.. Oh, WE CAN KILL THE ZAMBIES HERE OK!!!!! Also there are a lot more guns and stuff than V1! It should be a crime to make it free! This game is in depth, and while violent you parents should have age restrictions or even better make kids show you what game is. Ive encountered slow and fast zombs so be ready. Also replay lvl 1/2 until all guns you want are unlocked.
While incredibly easy at first, you hit a brick wall on lvl 2.
Briefing Fi..she.. G.. Int.. Hel..
-Bombs for Zombs founder J.B.
P.S SAS 3/4 are free and better content wise however have ads and iaps but they are not required.
N00bforlyfe about
Zombieville USA 2, v1.6.1